Placebo is coming to Brighton!

When you hear that your favourite band of all times and the major inspiration source is coming to YOUR town.. you do a happy dance! you jump around the house and shout YAY 10 thousand times!

That is how happy I felt when heard this (thanks to my sister, who somehow got received this new first). 

By all means, I would go to London (15/12/2016 Wembley arena) if I need to. Don't get me wrong! But having them here in Brighton, just feels right! I can't remember the times I've went to their gigs and how many times I wished they would come to our magical, quirky Brighton. Having them right on my doorstep (well not literally) is worth all the time waiting and wanting BIG TIME.

So know what? 2 more days till the tickets pre-sale (it's 9:00 AM sharp, Placebo fans!) and 9 more months till the magic happens!

I'l better prepare myself a damn nice t-shirt to wear! :D

placebo tour 2016 brighton

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